COOPs – we like!
27th of September to 26 of October @ Krisstines Aristokrass, Cologne

Homers ilias serial: odyssine, kirke (zirze) und Schwein (pig)
Thanks so much all for these fabulous project:
Coop Model isja_crass , Megan Emily Barnes , Diana Lepold
coop jewelry’s Matina spaett
coop costumes (2/3) Megan Emily Barnes
coop photography Diana Konstantynovski
Kirke / zirze Sailor Pieta Mutter gottes Geisha modern Skull Frau mit Hermelin
nach a. DürerSailor selfie Spring antler Coop Vera Wesolo
Dear Malte Sonnenfeld!
Thank you so much in trusting me and my weird beinG ….. I felt understood from you and your great wife in such a short time… Great input, thank two you!

Thank you Mr Petersburger for the second chance to view my point of changing!

Very aristocratic – very punk! #aristokrassgalerie

Miss DIE
My absolutely favorite theme!

Isja_crass Steffi koslar & malte Sonnenfeld Ina Sol & rodovaldo clavijo velez Madame krisstine bento monteiro

Coop with the talented and beautiful
Photographer Diana Konstantynovski & human isja_crass